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[KodeKloud] [CKA] Mock Exam - 1

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# MOCK EXAMS, MOCK EXAM – 1 Q. 1 - *info_outline*Question Deploy a pod named `nginx-pod` using the `nginx:alpine` image. Once done, click on the `Next Question` button in the top right corner of this panel. You may navigate back and forth freely between all questions. Once done with all questions, click on `End Exam`. Your work will be validated at the end and score shown. Good Luck! - *info_outline*Solution Use the command: `kubectl run nginx-pod --image=nginx:alpine` **CheckCompleteIncomplete** - *format_list_bulleted*Details Q. 2 - *info_outline*Question Deploy a `messaging` pod using the `redis:alpine` image with the labels set to `tier=msg`. - *info_outline*Solution Use the command `kubectl run messaging --image=redis:alpine -l tier=msg` **CheckCompleteIncomplete** - *format_list_bulleted*Details Q. 3 - *info_outline*Question Create a namespace named `apx-x9984574`. - *info_outline*Solution Run the command: `kubectl create namespace apx-x9984574` **CheckCompleteIncomplete** - *format_list_bulleted*Details Q. 4 - *info_outline*Question Get the list of nodes in JSON format and store it in a file at `/opt/outputs/nodes-z3444kd9.json`. - *info_outline*Solution Run the command: `kubectl get nodes -o json > /opt/outputs/nodes-z3444kd9.json` **CheckCompleteIncomplete** - *format_list_bulleted*Details Q. 5 - *info_outline*Question Create a service `messaging-service` to expose the `messaging` application within the cluster on port `6379`. Use imperative commands. - *info_outline*Solution Run the command: `kubectl expose pod messaging --port=6379 --name messaging-service` **CheckCompleteIncomplete** - *format_list_bulleted*Details Q. 6 - *info_outline*Question Create a deployment named `hr-web-app` using the image `kodekloud/webapp-color` with `2` replicas. - *info_outline*Solution Run the command: `kubectl create deployment hr-web-app --image=kodekloud/webapp-color --replicas=2` **CheckCompleteIncomplete** - *format_list_bulleted*Details Q. 7 - *info_outline*Question Create a static pod named `static-busybox` on the controlplane node that uses the `busybox` image and the command `sleep 1000`. - *info_outline*Solution Create a pod definition file in the manifests directory. For that use command `kubectl run --restart=Never --image=busybox static-busybox --dry-run=client -oyaml --command -- sleep 1000 > /etc/kubernetes/manifests/static-busybox.yaml` **CheckCompleteIncomplete** - *format_list_bulleted*Details Q. 8 - *info_outline*Question Create a POD in the `finance` namespace named `temp-bus` with the image `redis:alpine`. - *info_outline*Solution Run the command: `kubectl run temp-bus --image=redis:alpine --namespace=finance --restart=Never` **CheckCompleteIncomplete** - *format_list_bulleted*Details Q. 9 - *info_outline*Question A new application `orange` is deployed. There is something wrong with it. Identify and fix the issue. - *info_outline*Solution To know more details of `orange` pod: ``` $ kubectl describe po orange ``` and look under the `initContainers` section. There is an issue with the given command. To update the pod with an easiest way by running command: ``` $ kubectl edit po orange ``` It's not possible to update the changes in the running pod so after saving the changes. It will create a temporary file in the default location `/tmp/`. Use that manifest file and replace with the existing pod: ``` $ kubectl replace -f /tmp/kubectl-edit-xxxx.yaml --force ``` Above command will delete the existing pod and will recreate the new pod with latest changes. **CheckCompleteIncomplete** - *format_list_bulleted*Details Q. 10 - *info_outline*Question Expose the `hr-web-app` as service `hr-web-app-service` application on port `30082` on the nodes on the cluster. The web application listens on port `8080`. - *info_outline*Solution Run the command: `kubectl expose deployment hr-web-app --type=NodePort --port=8080 --name=hr-web-app-service --dry-run=client -o yaml > hr-web-app-service.yaml` to generate a service definition file. Now, in generated service definition file add the `nodePort` field with the given port number under the `ports` section and create a service. **CheckCompleteIncomplete** - *format_list_bulleted*Details Q. 11 - *info_outline*Question Use JSON PATH query to retrieve the `osImage`s of all the nodes and store it in a file `/opt/outputs/nodes_os_x43kj56.txt`. The `osImages` are under the `nodeInfo` section under `status` of each node. - *info_outline*Solution Run the command: `kubectl get nodes -o jsonpath='{.items[*].status.nodeInfo.osImage}' > /opt/outputs/nodes_os_x43kj56.txt` **CheckCompleteIncomplete** - *format_list_bulleted*Details Q. 12 - *info_outline*Question Create a `Persistent Volume` with the given specification. - *info_outline*Solution Solution manifest file to create a persistent volume `pv-analytics` as follows: ``` --- apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolume metadata: name: pv-analytics spec: capacity: storage: 100Mi volumeMode: Filesystem accessModes: - ReadWriteMany hostPath: path: /pv/data-analytics ```


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