
CKA pod part solution

컨텐츠 정보


## pod 조회 ``` kubectl get pods ``` ## 새로운 Pod 생성 > Create a new pod with the `nginx` image ``` kubectl run nginx --image=nginx // ouput pod/nginx created ``` ### pod 조회 ``` kubectl get pods ``` ### describe pod ``` kubectl describe pod {pod_name} ``` > which nodes are theses pods placed on? ``` kubectl describe pod {pod_name} -o wide ``` #### How may containers part of the pod {name}? ``` kubectl describe pod {name} // ouput pod "{name}" deleted ``` ## Delete Pod ``` kubectl delete pod {name} pod "webapp" deleted ``` ## image 수정 Create a new pod with the name `redis` and with the image `redis444` Use a pod-definnition YAML file. And yes the images name is wrong! * Name: `redis` * Image Name: `redies444` ``` kubectl run redis --image=redis444 -dry-run=client -o yaml ``` ### output ``` apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod Metedata: creationTimestamp: null labels: run: redis name: redies spec: containers: - image: redis444 name: redis resources: {} dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst restartPolicy: Always status: {} ``` ### Yaml로 저장 ``` kubectl run redis --image=redis444 -dry-run=client -o yaml > redis.yaml ``` ### 생성 ``` kubectl create -f redis.yaml ``` #### ouput ``` pod/redis created ``` ### 생성 확인 ``` kubectl get pods ``` > output에 에러이미지라고 나온다. > 이것을 수정해야 함 (fix) #### yaml 파일 수정 ``` apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod Metedata: creationTimestamp: null labels: run: redis name: redies spec: containers: - image: redis444를 redis로 수정 name: redis resources: {} dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst restartPolicy: Always status: {} ``` ``` kubectl apply -f redis.yaml kubectl get pods ``` ### 성공 확인 > Error 가 Running으로 변경 되었다.


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