Goolge Cloud Skills Boost

PDE Prep: BigQuery Essentials

컨텐츠 정보

본문 1. Go to the BigQuery from the navigation menu then click on the project id on the left side menu. 2. Click on the +CREATE DATASET option and enter JasmineJasper for Dataset ID then click on create dataset. 3. Then again click on the project id on the left menu and click on the created dataset (JsmineJasper). 4. Then click on + (create table) option on right top menu just left to the shared dataset and select the below details Create table from : Google cloud storage Select file from GCS bucket : as mentioned on lab instruction page Table name: triplog Enable edit as text option and add the schema given on lab instruction page Then click on create table 5. Then select the table name triplog 6. Run the below query one by one by replacing the GCP project ID Make sure to replace GCP project ID with in the queries. ### First Query part 1 ``` SELECT airline, AVG(minutes) as avg FROM `.JasmineJasper.triplog` WHERE origin="FRA" AND destination="KUL" GROUP BY airline ``` ### First Query part 2 ``` SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `.JasmineJasper.triplog` ``` ### Second Query ``` SELECT airline, AVG(minutes) as avg FROM `.JasmineJasper.triplog` WHERE origin="LHR" AND destination="KUL" GROUP BY airline ORDER BY avg ASC ``` 7. After running the above queries, check for the score.


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